Welcome to the Julian Grace Foundation’s online grant portal.

This platfrom is exclusively for current grantee partner and new organizations invited into one of the Foundation's grant cycles. If your organization does not fall into either category, please refrain from creating a profile. Profiles creeated otuside these guidelines are subject to deletion. 

New Users: This category encompasses individuals from new organizations entering the grant cycle. If you fall into this group and have received detailed instructions to create a new account, please proceed to "Create New Account" to complete the registration process and establish your logon credentials. 

Existing users: Please enter your credential and log-in. If you forgot your password, please use the Forgot Your Password" link to the left to reset your password.

Not Sure? If you think that you or someone at your organization has already registered in the system, do not create a new account. Please contact our Grants Administrator at grantapplication@juliangrace.org to receive your username and password or to verify if an account already exists.